Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Drug Story

One of the hottest topics of discussion today concerns the legalization of marijuanna.I feel as though I'm having a 1970's flash back.In the early 70's I was at college at Delaware State College.Back in those days a lot of us was so poor we couldn't afford a TV in our room in the dorm.So the school provided us with a TV room. And a bunch of us would gather there and watch TV.I remember when what was appearing to be an uneventful night, all hell broke loose.The game changer was this guy,let's call him the clown,whose past-time was plucking people's last nerve, came running into the TV room.He was soon followed by my underwear clad best friend in college,chasing him.Everyone assumed that my friend was after him because that clown had plucked his last nerve.And that my buddy was trying to communicate to him,in a crude and in no uncertain way ,enough of his shanegans.But something else was wrong.As soon as that clown my friend was chasing was out of reach,he went for the next closest person.And after he moved,my friend went after the next and so on.His attacks had no method.They were all random. My friend actually managed to grabbed the last guy.Who hit him in the face.And my friend did n't even blink.Then someone yelled "he's high?'.It took five guys to over-power and carry my friend to the infirmary. After the excitement had quieted down I made my way back to the TV room.That's when I notice a trail of blood on the floor and walls. Then I remembered seeing blood on his underwear and chest. I followed the trail of blood up three flights of stairs and down the hallway.The blood trail lead to the closed door of my fiend's room.Hesitently,I opened the door.I was aghast at the sight of of the room.Everything glass or plastic had been smashed.The floor was awash with blood and shards of glass and plastic.Even his window had been completely shattered. Florecent bulbs, my friends roommate's dust cover for his record player as well as his roommate record collection were all abilarated Thank goodness his roommate had gone home for the weekend.At one point,while in the infirmary my friend began ripping at nurse's uniform.The word of my fiend's bad trip spread around the campus like wildfire.Into the night I saw lots of my high fellow students walking around scsred.People on drug trips become more paranoid when they hear about others bad trips.They also fear bad thoughts will turn their mellow trip into a nightmear.Plus there are police concerns. It's my understanding in the state of Delaware. one must spend 48hrs in the state hosp after a bad drug trip for observation.After his hosp stay and after he was let back in school, I asked him what was going through his head during his bad trip.He said he didn't know what was real and what was a dream. Thereforedream.So he testedeverything,almost.Te reason for all the blood, he was swimming and rolling around in the broken glass and plastic.He was testing it. My friend wanted to see if the broken glass was real.My college buddy almost jumped out his 3rd story window. Thank God he managed to convince himself that the window was real.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Gov Health Care

A recent audit of Maryland's VA hospitals shows that we have the 4th worse waiting time in the nation.We average around 81 days.That's what gov health care looks like.Obama care will be worse than that simply because of the number of people involved.

The Democrats are Killing US

The diseases and pestilence once conquered in the USA are starting to raise their ugly heads here again.The democrats have opened the floodgates and let in many of the bugs,viruses and bacteria that were relegated to outside our borders.With this onslaught of illegals we don't know who or what is coming into our country.This traffic of illegals also include Islamic terrorists,murders,rapist and human traffickers.Thousands of children are being raped,injured,abused and killed in this pipeline to America. MERS is a new deadly respiratory virus now in the USA.We're experiencing a resurgence of the measles.This results in many cases from non-immunized immigrants.Pertussis is also making a comeback.We also have an re-infestation of bedbugs.Everybody aren't coming here for opportunity or because they love America.Many come to kill us.

Friday, June 6, 2014

President Obama is Raping The Military

President Obama fired the commanding officer of the Blue Angels because of political correctness.Some femi-nazis complained saying he had a frat boy attitude.So he was canned.

It's Time to Start Thinking About Ending Affirmatiive Action

I rejoiced when the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Michigan Anti-affirmative Action Law. This was a sign of the times. We're in the 21st century and we've elected our first Black President twice. Just the idea of a Black President of the USA was unthinkable at the turn of the last century.Therefore, it would be short-sighted for anyone to say that things have not changed. The US has evolved,in terms of race relations, to the extent that America is almost a different place indeed.Yes, racism is still alive and well.But it's not the potent force it once was.Racism can no longer be used as an excuse for failure. Everyone have obstacles that they must challenge to achieve their dreams.Racism is just one of them.If you want to end discrimination ,stop discriminating. I was never comfortable with the affirmative action concept.I'm extremely proud of the fact that I'm able to achieve my American dreams without the benefit of affirmative action. And I'm trying to pass this legacy on to my kids and grandchildren.My mom raised me with the Golden Rule"Do unto others as you would have them to you". I always saw affirmative action as reverse discrimination. Dr. King once said"discrimination against White folks is just as insidious as discriminating against Black folks." My vision of our future is a post-racial America.If not starting now? When? My biggest nightmare is that we will still have affirmative-action 1000 years from now.I agree with Dr Ben Carson," lets replace affirmative action with compassionate action.We should be lifting all of America's children regardless of race,ethnicity,gender or sexual orientation. The USA is competing on the world stage.And we must never forget that.That is if we're going to remain the last hope of all humanity.